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Over the years, pharmacy professionals have dedicated their lives to helping ensure quality healthcare and delivering prescriptions to members of our community. That’s why we celebrate Pharmacist Month in October to applaud their vital role in our society.

Pharmacy Careers describe community pharmacists as “well-respected professionals within their local community who use their expert knowledge of medicines to help patients get the best possible care and outcomes from their medicines.” They are responsible for monitoring the quality of healthcare products and ensuring a safe patient environment.

There are multiple roles in a pharmacy. It consists not only of the front-side workers who deliver your prescriptions and help your way around, but it is also a vast world of pharmaceuticals that consists of medications, distribution lines, insurance companies, and so much more.

To learn more about the story of Pharmacy Month, National Today narrates it as a history that started in the 19th century, when the Philadelphia College of Pharmacy (P.C.P.) was founded and set the foundation of the pharmaceutical system in the U.S. “APhA — now the American Pharmacists Association — was formed in 1852 as a professional organization for American pharmacists. With over 62,000 current members, APhA is still an active organization raising awareness about and advocating for pharmacists nationwide. In fact, it was APhA that launched American Pharmacists Month (APhM) back in 2004! It has been celebrated every October since then.”

As an essential part of our society, pharmacies play unique roles in keeping everything on track and delivering the outstanding service they are meant to provide. We will walk you through some of these roles and how each brings something meaningful to our communities.


Pharmacies Communicate With Members of Our Society.

As a part of the healthcare system, they are involved with caring for people daily. Pharmacists understand how to communicate with patients to make them feel heard and understood, especially during sensitive or tense situations. Every member of a pharmacy association tends to be emphatic and considerate; that’s why community pharmacies are usually comforting places for people who live within their area.

Pharmacies Delivery Healthcare Solutions

We realize that many community pharmacies are allies to their patients. When people decide to show up at a pharmacy, they are looking for solutions to their problems, and pharmacists are the perfect guide to try and find an explanation for their healthcare problems. Many pharmacies have answers, such as remote monitoring, nutrition, hypertension, and more.

A pharmacy’s primary goal is to improve people’s quality of life. They are a companion who will walk you through the journey to a healthier life. At the end of the day, they want to inspire people who suffer from diseases or conditions to allow them to experience solutions that will make their lives easier.

Sorogi Health explains how this can be possible with their Make A Difference Program, which “aims to increase access to diabetes resources in vulnerable communities in Washington, DC by engaging pharmacies to become accredited providers of Diabetes Self-Management Education and Support (DSMES) services.” This Pharmacy Month, they will accredit Kalorama Pharmacy as a good example and leader of this program. It is a way of demonstrating that good quality healthcare solutions can be part of a community.

Communication Bridge Between Insurance Companies, Doctors, and Patients

Pharmacies are the center point of the entire healthcare process. The way it usually works is that after a consultation with their primary care provider, the patient will get a specific prescription for their diagnosis or condition, and then that prescription must be approved by the insurance company and sent out to the pharmacy.

Pharmacists need to make sure that the entire process is smooth. They will check the doctor’s prescription and ensure it is on the insurance system, then get the medication for the patient and give it to them at the pharmacy counter. Even though it seems like a straightforward process, there are multiple complications that can make it difficult for the healthcare provider and the patient. Community pharmacists have the communication skills needed to make even complex situations smoother.

All these reasons and more are why it is so great that we celebrate Pharmacist Month during October. We hope you all have a wonderful month and thank you to pharmaceutical professionals across the country for your tireless efforts.